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The objective of this study was to identify the main management practices that limit the achievement of high productivity in wheat crops in southern Brazil.


The objective of this study was to identify the main management practices that limit the achievement of high productivity in wheat crops in southern Brazil.


The objective of this study was to evaluate how much irrigated rice producers are producing in relation to their productivity potential, and to identify the main management practices that should be improved to increase irrigated rice productivity in the state of RS, which is the largest producer of rice. irrigated rice from Brazil (1.1 million ha) representing 77% of national production (CONAB, 2019).


With the aim of deepening understanding on the topic, a study was carried out on the relationship between production costs and productivity.


The objective of this work is: (i) to estimate corn productivity per plant and (ii) to evaluate whether there is variation in corn productivity depending on planting density.


Given this, the FieldCrops Team sought to estimate the production potential and the productivity gap in the predominant production systems in Rio Grande do Sul.


In the present study we sought to understand the relationship between the productivity obtained in more than 110 corn crops monitored in Santa Catarina during the 2020/2021 harvest with the number of insecticide applications and the moment of the first application (management timing).

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